Dr. Melinda D. Hawley
Associate Professor of Human Services
Department of Business and Public Service
Office: McDonough Campus
Email: mhawley@gordonstate.edu
Mondays 11AM-6PM at the McDonough Campus of Gordon State College. Office hours are also available virtually by appointment (video/phone). We can also meet F2F by appointment on scheduled Weekend College Fridays and Saturdays at McDonough Campus. Find "Doc Hawley" on Facebook and Melinda "Doc" Hawley on LinkedIn.
HUSV 4030 Legal & Ethical Issues in Human Services (online, Aug.10-Nov. 30)
HUSV 2101 Introduction to Human Services, Weekend College first half (Aug. 10-Sept. 29)
PSYC 3040 Social Psychology, Weekend College second half (Oct. 3-Nov. 28)
PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology, McDonough Campus (Mondays 6PM-8:45PM, Aug. 15-Nov. 28)
Weekend College Cohorts Alpha, Bravo, Delta, Charlie, and... Dr. Hawley is adviser for all students enrolled in Weekend College, the flexible adult-learner program for the bachelor of science degree in Human Services. The program is tailored for working adults who seek a career in the rapidly growing field of human services. Weekend College courses are delivered through a hybrid format: students meet as a cohort once a month at Gordon State College at McDonough (at the Henry County High School Complex in McDonough) and complete remaining coursework online. Prior Learning Credits are possible for students who have acquired college-level knowledge and insight through work experiences or through educational experiences and courses that did not carry college credit (achieved primarily through testing). For more information about Weekend College go to http://www.gordonstate.edu/humanservices/weekend-college or see Ms. Ashley Travis, enrollment specialist for Weekend College, in the Business and Public Service Office in Russell Hall.
Human Services/Clinical Social Work. Dr. Hawley is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). She has a master's degree in social work (MSW) from the University of Georgia and experience in Human Services in several areas, including community mental health, women's in-patient substance abuse treatment, and college mental health. She collaborated with Athens-Clarke County probation when working with college students in the pre-trial diversion program and with human services agencies in the Gainesville and Athens areas. Dr. Hawley taught the introductory social work course for Gainesville State College (now University of North Georgia) for nine years while serving as director of student counseling at the Oconee Campus. She was an evening psychotherapist at Mind Body Institute, Athens Regional Medical Center from June 2008-December 2015. Dr. Hawley has been a weekend therapist in private practice since June 2005 in the Athens/Watkinsville area.
Public Service: Dr. Hawley was director of Public Service and Outreach and an associate public service faculty member at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She was honored in 1999 with the Walter Barnard Hill Award for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach (Hill Award), which recognizes distinguished achievement in public service and outreach by UGA faculty members and service professionals. She was a research assistant for the director of UGA's Cox Center for International Studies in St. Petersburg, Russia; Peru; and Ecuador.
Leadership, Management, Conflict Management: Dr. Hawley has been a presenter on media management in Latvia and Chile through the Cox Center for International Studies and has taught media management at the college level. A trained mediator, she was the ombudsman for two campuses of Gainesville State College (Oconee and Gainesville).
Prior Faculty Experience. Prior to joining Gordon State College in 2013, Dr. Hawley was a public service faculty member at UGA, full-time faculty member at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff and at Brenau University in Gainesville, and, taught part time in social work at Gainesville State College (now University of North Georgia) in Oconee/Watkinsville. Academic degrees: bachelor's and master's degrees in journalism, Ph.D. in mass communication, and master's degree in social work (MSW).
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