Combining Sentences 


Directions:  Using longer and better sentences, rewrite the following essay.  You may add or delete words, but you should not change the basic meaning of the sentences.




     Aluminum is a metal.  It is abundant.  It has many uses.  Nearly all rocks contain some aluminum.  Most aluminum comes from ore.  The ore is bauxite.  Many countries produce bauxite.  Bauxite contains aluminum.  Workmen extract these substances from bauxite.  They grind the bauxite.  They put it in tanks.  They apply pressure.  They put soda in the tanks.  The soda is caustic.  The other substances form a mass.  The mass is muddy.  They remove the mass.  They use filters.  A liquid remains.  It is put through several other processes.  It finally yields chemical.  The chemical is powdery.  It is white.  The chemical is alumina.  It is a mixture.  It contains aluminum.  It contains oxygen.  They use electricity in this process.  They finally produce a mental.  The metal is light.  It has a luster.  The luster is bright.  The luster is silvery.  This metal comes in many forms.  It comes in ingots.  It comes in sheets.  It comes in plates.  It comes in rods.  It comes in wires.  It comes in other forms.  Workmen can mix it with other metals.  The mixing results in an alloy.  The alloy is hard.  It is tough.  Aluminum is light.  It is strong.  It has many uses.  We use it in cars.  We use it in buses.  We use it in airplanes. Aluminum conducts heat well.  We use it in pots.  We use it in pans.  We use it in kettles.  These are a few of the uses.  We have many other uses.  We will undoubtedly find many  more.