Quotations About Writing


From http://koti.mbnet.fi/pasenka/quotes/q-writ.htm#Writing%20is%20heaven

I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork. -- Peter de Vries


For me, writing is exploration; and most of the time, I'm surprised where the journey takes me. -- Jack Dann


Writing is a cop-out. An excuse to live perpetually in fantasy land, where you can create, direct and watch the products of your own head. Very selfish. -- Monica Dickens


The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer.  -- Barbara Kingsolver


Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted. -- Jules Renard


Reading usually precedes writing and the impulse to write is almost always fired by reading. Reading, the love of reading, is what makes you dream of becoming a writer. -- Susan Sontag


Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else. -- Gloria Steinem


Write something to suit yourself and many people will like it; write something to suit everybody and scarcely anyone will care for it. -- Jesse Stuart


Writing is only boring to the people who are boring themselves. -- Unknown

Writing is the hardest work in the world. I have been a bricklayer and a truck driver, and I tell you – as if you haven't been told a million times already – that writing is harder.  Lonelier. And nobler and more enriching.  -- Harlan Ellison


The work never matches the dream of perfection the artist has to start with. --  William Faulkner


Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards. -- Robert A. Heinlein


A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. -- Thomas Mann


A blank piece of paper is God's way of telling us how hard it to be God. -- Sidney Sheldon


Writing is the flip side of sex – it's good only when it's over. -- Hunter S. Thompson


There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. -- Red Smith


Writing is so difficult that I feel that writers, having had their hell on earth, will escape all punishment hereafter. -- Jessamyn West


I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again. -- Oscar Wilde



If writing seems hard, it’s because it is hard. It’s one of the hardest things people do. -- William Zinsser


Easy reading is damned hard writing. -- Anonymous

Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you're doomed. -- Ray Bradbury


Writing is physical work. It's sweaty work. You just can't will yourself to become a good writer. You really have to work at it.  -- Will Haygood


I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. -- Thomas Jefferson


When we read, we start at the beginning and continue until we reach the end. When we write, we start in the middle and fight our way out. -- Vickie Karp


The author must keep his mouth shut when his work starts to speak. --  Friederich Nietzsche


Only ambitious nonentities and hearty mediocrities exhibit their rough drafts. It's like passing around samples of sputum. -- Vladimir Nabokov


There's no such thing as writer's block. That was invented by people in California who couldn't write. -- Terry Pratchett


I just sit at a typewriter and curse a bit.  -- P. G. Wodehouse, after being asked about his writing technique


Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up. -- Jane Yolen

Writing is its own reward. -- Henry Miller


The pen is the tongue of the mind.  -- Miguel de Cervantes


I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear. -- Joan Didion


How do I know what I think until I see what I say? -- E. M. Forster


Authors who never give you something to disagree with never give you anything to think about. -- Michael LaRocca


Stupidity is no excuse for not thinking. -- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


The only time I know that something is true is the moment I discover it in the act of writing. -- Jean Malaquais


The brain that doesn't feed itself, eats itself. -- Gore Vidal


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. -- Oscar Wilde




Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing. It’s the difference between a pencil sketch and a lush oil painting. As a writer, words are your paint. Use all the colors. --- Rhys Alexander


Never throw up on an editor. -- Ellen Datlow


Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon. -- E.L. Doctorow


You must learn to overcome your very natural and appropriate revulsion for your own work.  -- William Gibson


If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you. -- Natalie Goldberg


The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof shit detector. -- Ernst Hemingway


Prose is architecture, not interior decoration. -- Ernest Hemingway


Before you use a fancy word, make room for it. -- Joseph Joubert


One of the really bad things you can do to your writing is to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you're maybe a little bit ashamed of your short ones. -- Stephen King


It's hard for me to believe that people who read very little - or not at all in some cases - should presume to write and expect people to like what they have written. Can I be blunt on this subject? If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time - or the tools - to write. Simple as that. -- Stephen King


If you think you're boring your audience, go slower not faster. -- Gustav Mahler


Write what you know. -- Daniel Quinn


Say all you have to say in the fewest possible words, or your reader will be sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words or he will certainly misunderstand them. -- John Ruskin


Resist the temptation to try to use dazzling style to conceal weakness of substance. -- Stanley Schmidt

If you don't know it, don't write it. -- Darrell Schweitzer


If you really want to hurt your parents and you don't have nerve enough to be homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. -- Kurt Vonnegut


If you think that something small cannot make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room. -- Anonymous

Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. -- Howard Aiken


Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen. -- Willa Cather


Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal. -- T. S. Eliot




There is no idea so brilliant or original that a sufficiently-untalented writer can't screw it up. --
Raymond Feist


Every bush can burn if you fire it with your imagination. -- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow. -- Louis L’Amour


The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. -- Linus Pauling


Whatever inspiration is, it's born from a continuous "I don't know." -- Wislawa Szymborska


An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all. -- Oscar Wilde


If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing. -- Kingsley Amis


No tale tells all. -- Alexei Panshin


The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories.-- Carl Gustav Jung


Writing is communication, not self-expression. Nobody in this world wants to read your diary except your mother. -- Richard Peck


It is a cardinal sin to bore the reader.  -- Larry Niven


Be anything you want to be, but don't be dull. -- Frank Robinson

If writing seems hard, it’s because it is hard. It’s one of the hardest things people do. -- William Zinsser


Easy reading is damned hard writing. -- Anonymous

Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you're doomed. -- Ray Bradbury


Writing is physical work. It's sweaty work. You just can't will yourself to become a good writer. You really have to work at it.  -- Will Haygood


I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. -- Thomas Jefferson


When we read, we start at the beginning and continue until we reach the end. When we write, we start in the middle and fight our way out. -- Vickie Karp


The author must keep his mouth shut when his work starts to speak. --  Friederich Nietzsche


Only ambitious nonentities and hearty mediocrities exhibit their rough drafts. It's like passing around samples of sputum. -- Vladimir Nabokov


There's no such thing as writer's block. That was invented by people in California who couldn't write. -- Terry Pratchett


I just sit at a typewriter and curse a bit.  -- P. G. Wodehouse, after being asked about his writing technique


Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up. -- Jane Yolen

Writing is its own reward. -- Henry Miller


The pen is the tongue of the mind.  -- Miguel de Cervantes


I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear. -- Joan Didion


How do I know what I think until I see what I say? -- E. M. Forster


Authors who never give you something to disagree with never give you anything to think about. -- Michael LaRocca


Stupidity is no excuse for not thinking. -- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


The only time I know that something is true is the moment I discover it in the act of writing. -- Jean Malaquais


The brain that doesn't feed itself, eats itself. -- Gore Vidal


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. -- Oscar Wilde




Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing. It’s the difference between a pencil sketch and a lush oil painting. As a writer, words are your paint. Use all the colors. --- Rhys Alexander


Never throw up on an editor. -- Ellen Datlow


Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon. -- E.L. Doctorow


You must learn to overcome your very natural and appropriate revulsion for your own work.  -- William Gibson


If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you. -- Natalie Goldberg


The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof shit detector. -- Ernst Hemingway


Prose is architecture, not interior decoration. -- Ernest Hemingway


Before you use a fancy word, make room for it. -- Joseph Joubert


One of the really bad things you can do to your writing is to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you're maybe a little bit ashamed of your short ones. -- Stephen King


It's hard for me to believe that people who read very little - or not at all in some cases - should presume to write and expect people to like what they have written. Can I be blunt on this subject? If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time - or the tools - to write. Simple as that. -- Stephen King


If you think you're boring your audience, go slower not faster. -- Gustav Mahler


Write what you know. -- Daniel Quinn


Say all you have to say in the fewest possible words, or your reader will be sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words or he will certainly misunderstand them. -- John Ruskin


Resist the temptation to try to use dazzling style to conceal weakness of substance. -- Stanley Schmidt

If you don't know it, don't write it. -- Darrell Schweitzer


If you really want to hurt your parents and you don't have nerve enough to be homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. -- Kurt Vonnegut


If you think that something small cannot make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room. -- Anonymous

Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. -- Howard Aiken


Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen. -- Willa Cather


Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal. -- T. S. Eliot




There is no idea so brilliant or original that a sufficiently-untalented writer can't screw it up. --
Raymond Feist


Every bush can burn if you fire it with your imagination. -- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow. -- Louis L’Amour


The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. -- Linus Pauling


Whatever inspiration is, it's born from a continuous "I don't know." -- Wislawa Szymborska


An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all. -- Oscar Wilde


If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing. -- Kingsley Amis


No tale tells all. -- Alexei Panshin


The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories.-- Carl Gustav Jung


Writing is communication, not self-expression. Nobody in this world wants to read your diary except your mother. -- Richard Peck


It is a cardinal sin to bore the reader.  -- Larry Niven


Be anything you want to be, but don't be dull. -- Frank Robinson


Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing. It’s the difference between a pencil sketch and a lush oil painting. As a writer, words are your paint. Use all the colors. --- Rhys Alexander


Never throw up on an editor. -- Ellen Datlow


Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon. -- E.L. Doctorow


You must learn to overcome your very natural and appropriate revulsion for your own work.  -- William Gibson


If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you. -- Natalie Goldberg


The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof shit detector. -- Ernst Hemingway


Prose is architecture, not interior decoration. -- Ernest Hemingway


Before you use a fancy word, make room for it. -- Joseph Joubert


One of the really bad things you can do to your writing is to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you're maybe a little bit ashamed of your short ones. -- Stephen King


It's hard for me to believe that people who read very little - or not at all in some cases - should presume to write and expect people to like what they have written. Can I be blunt on this subject? If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time - or the tools - to write. Simple as that. -- Stephen King


If you think you're boring your audience, go slower not faster. -- Gustav Mahler


Write what you know. -- Daniel Quinn


Say all you have to say in the fewest possible words, or your reader will be sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words or he will certainly misunderstand them. -- John Ruskin


Resist the temptation to try to use dazzling style to conceal weakness of substance. -- Stanley Schmidt

If you don't know it, don't write it. -- Darrell Schweitzer


If you really want to hurt your parents and you don't have nerve enough to be homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. -- Kurt Vonnegut


If you think that something small cannot make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room. -- Anonymous

Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. -- Howard Aiken


Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen. -- Willa Cather


Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal. -- T. S. Eliot